Art Appreciation – Treasure Seekers

Group Leader: Carmelina Field

The group meets on the first Thursday of the month. When going to an exhibition, we meet at Chorleywood station at around 9:45 am to catch a train/tube to go into London for an exhibition, usually entering late morning.

Twice a year we hold a meeting in Chorleywood at 2:30 pm on Zoom or at a house to discuss our programme for the forthcoming months.

About our Group

The group goes to see art at galleries such as The National Gallery, Tate Modern, Tate Britain, Queen’s Gallery, Wallace Collection, Courtauld Gallery. We use public transport to get to the location. Usually we have coffee before and lunch after the exhibition but members are free to do what they wish.

The choice of exhibition or gallery is decided at the Chorleywood meetings where we also discuss what we have seen in the previous months. These meetings start at 2:30 pm and last usually until 4 pm.

See Upcoming Meetings below for more information about what is planned.

Group Contact Details

You must be logged in to see the contact information for the Group Leaders. 

If you are not yet a member of Chorleywood u3a and would like to find out more about this or other groups, then contact the Group Coordinators using the button on the right.

Group Calendar

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