Interest Groups are the lifeblood of our organisation. Run by enthusiasts, not necessarily experts, leaders plan a programme of activities with their members and share responsibilities. We cover a wide variety of interests from technology to table tennis, from literature to line dancing but if you would like to try something not listed then contact our Groups Co-ordinators who will try to help.
Our Interest Groups
Click on a group to find out more about it.
(V) indicates the group has vacancies, (W) that there is a waitlist.
(*) indicates there is a small charge towards hall hire costs to participate. Unmarked groups may have small occasional costs towards refreshments etc.
- Apple Users (W)
- Architecture
- Art Appreciation – Art Seekers (V)
- Art Appreciation – Caradene (V)
- Art Appreciation – Revelations (V)
- Art Appreciation – Small is Beautiful (V)
- Art Appreciation – Treasure Seekers
- Bridge for Novice Players (V)
- Computer and Technology (*), (V)
- Cryptic Crosswords (V)
- Family History (V)
- Family History for Beginners (V)
- Folk Music Appreciation (V)
- French Conversation
- Garden Buddies (V)
- History (W)
- Jazz and Blues (V)
- Latin
- Line Dancing (*), (V)
- Literature and Poetry (V)
- Local History (V)
- Mah Jong
- Music & Opera Appreciation
- Music History
- Patchwork and Quilting (*), (V)
- Philosophy (V)
- Pickleball (*), (V)
- Play Reading (V)
- Political Discussion
- Really Useful Group (RUG) (V)
- Rummikub (V)
- Scrabble (V)
- Shakespeare on Screen (W)
- Social Psychology (V)
- Spanish for Intermediates
- Table Tennis (*), (V)
- Tai Qi Gong (TQC) (V)
- Ukulele Improvers (V)
- Ukuleles for Fun (V)
- Uninhibited Stitch (V)
- Walking – Amblers (Under 3 miles) (V)
- Walking – London Walks (V)
- Walking – Long Walks (Striders) (V)
- Walking – Walks with Pub Lunch (Strollers) (V)
- Weekenders (V)
- Wine Appreciation 1
- Wine Appreciation 2
- Apple Users (W)
- Architecture
- Art Appreciation – Art Seekers (V)
- Art Appreciation – Caradene (V)
- Art Appreciation – Revelations (V)
- Art Appreciation – Small is Beautiful (V)
- Art Appreciation – Treasure Seekers
- Bridge for Novice Players (V)
- Computer and Technology (*), (V)
- Cryptic Crosswords (V)
- Family History (V)
- Family History for Beginners (V)
- Folk Music Appreciation (V)
- French Conversation
- Garden Buddies (V)
- History (W)
- Jazz and Blues (V)
- Latin
- Line Dancing (*), (V)
- Literature and Poetry (V)
- Local History (V)
- Mah Jong
- Music & Opera Appreciation
- Music History
- Patchwork and Quilting (*), (V)
- Philosophy (V)
- Pickleball (*), (V)
- Play Reading (V)
- Political Discussion
- Really Useful Group (RUG) (V)
- Rummikub (V)
- Scrabble (V)
- Shakespeare on Screen (W)
- Social Psychology (V)
- Spanish for Intermediates
- Table Tennis (*), (V)
- Tai Qi Gong (TQC) (V)
- Ukulele Improvers (V)
- Ukuleles for Fun (V)
- Uninhibited Stitch (V)
- Walking – Amblers (Under 3 miles) (V)
- Walking – London Walks (V)
- Walking – Long Walks (Striders) (V)
- Walking – Walks with Pub Lunch (Strollers) (V)
- Weekenders (V)
- Wine Appreciation 1
- Wine Appreciation 2