Family History for Beginners

Group Leader: David Hiddleston

Courses are held either in the Autumn or Winter depending on participant availability. The venue depends upon the number of participants

About our Group

An intensive 6 week course for members wishing to research their family history. A great way to find out how to use the internet to discover who your ancestors were, where they lived and what they did – and maybe even uncover a scandal!

The course is inter-active with members learning hands-on as different topics and procedures are explained. Primarily, but not exclusively, using the Ancestry website, members will access birth, marriage and death records, census returns, Parish registers and other historic documents which will enable them to build a family tree.

For each course, the meeting day, venue and time will be agreed to suit members of the group

This group has vacancies.  Please contact the group leader for more information.

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