Jazz and Blues

Group Leader: Alan Barton

The group meets monthly on the afternoon of the third Thursday in the month, usually at the leader’s home

About our Group

This is a group for people who like jazz and blues and want the chance to listen to music and discuss it with other members of the group. We aim to cover all styles of jazz, blues and soul music, so if you want to hear a wide range of music, and find out more about the musicians and the many styles of these genres, this is the group for you. Our meetings are held on the afternoon of the third Thursday in the month, usually at the leader's house. Every other meeting is for members' choices, which usually leads to good discussions. In addition members give presentations on individual musicians, bands and music styles. We also watch DVDs and some of us go to gigs to hear some live music. New members will be very welcome.

This group has vacancies.  Please contact the group leader for more information.

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