Wine Appreciation 1
Group Leader: Wendy Boatman
We meet on the 1st Friday of the month in our member's homes, and sometimes in restaurants. We also enjoy vineyard visits and tastings, occasional lunches in a member's home with gastronomic contributions from everyone ... and when the weather permits tasting and dining in each other's gardens.
About our Group
This is the first wine group that was set up 11 years ago. Over the years, we have enjoyed learning about wine. At a normal meeting, one of us will choose a theme, eg a particular grape, buy appropriate wines and ask the group if they can identify the country, grape, price etc. After the tasting, we enjoy cheese and pate etc with the remaining wine.
Our activities have included
- Vineyard visits and wine tastings
- Meetings in member’s houses and gardens with a theme linking the selected wines
- Lunches in our homes to which we all contribute
- Quizzes about wine, especially at Zoom sessions during lockdown
Occasionally we join with the second wine group for various activities including a quiz and vineyard visits
Group Contact Details
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